+ How much does dental school cost

As much as you make it. In state vs out of state, public school vs private school where you live, what the military is paying all play a major role in the bottom line. Generally school's range from $50k/year to well over $100k/year, looking at $2-$500K.

+ What do you wear on a daily basis

Scrubs. Type of scrubs varies from school to school, some mandate the color based on year group, others don't care as long as they are a solid color. See your dental schools guidelines BEFORE you run out and buy 10 pairs of the new hotness. Generally most people wear Figs, good colors and great fit.

+ What is the general academic structure of dental school

Bottom line: First 2.5 years heavily didactic and last 1.5-2 years practicing in the school clinic. This is something I should have done more research on prior to attending. The first year is hard sciences; anatomy and phys, cell and molecular biology, infection and immunity, genetics, dental anatomy etc. Second year was more focused on systems classes (cardio, renal, reporductive, urinary, endocrine, muscular/skeletal) and starting to transistion into clinic. Generally third and fourth year your didactic classes generally die off as you transition into clinic full time treating patients.

+ What are the biggest skills that translated from the military to dental school

Initially I was unsure how my skills would translate. The biggest difference is that veterans have basic skills that the normal 22-24 year old dental student doesent. Things that are second nature like alyways carrying a pen and paper to take notes, being on time, respecting people in positions of authority go very far and sets you apart form the general population of the class. Since I started treating patients I have found that the interpersonal skills developed over my 9 years on active duty allowed me to effectively communicate with patients. Patients notice the difference as well.

+ What is your daily routine as a 1st and 2nd year dental student

This is somethig I have been asked a few times so I may do an page on this later but this has generally been my shcedule for the last two years. Keep in mind I am married with an 18 month old so my routine is very different from your typical student. 6am: Wake up/shower/breakfast 7:15am: Catch bus to school 8am-12pm: Morning classes 1-1pm: Lunch 1-5pm: Afternoon Classes (usually have a free afternoon 1x per week) 5:30pm:Bus home 6-8pm: Dinner and family time 8-11:30: Study During test weeks it is not uncommon to spend 6 hours or so in the libary at night neglecting the family